
Variable Difficulty List Memory Test

The Variable Difficulty List Memory Test (VLMT) is designed to assess verbal learning and recognition memory. In this task, participants are asked to read and learn a list of semantically-unrelated words that are presented simultaneously for 30-seconds. Following the learning portion of the task, participants are shown a series of words that include both target words (from the original list) and foil words (not from the list). For each word, participants are asked whether it was part of the original list by clicking "yes" or "no."

The Variable Difficulty List Memory Test is available in three different list-lengths: 6-target word version, 12-target word version, and 18-target word version. Each version has multiple alternative word lists, allowing for repeated administration to mitigate the potential confounding effects of item memorization across sessions. For example, the 12-word version of the test has 19 alternative word lists.


  • Number of learning trials
  • Delay of the recognition portion of the task (e.g., immediate, after another mobile cognitive task within the same session, at a different session later in the day or on another day)
  • Trial-by-trial feedback given to the participant (e.g., if their answer was correct or incorrect)
  • Summary feedback given to the participant (e.g., graphical representation of number correct)

Data collected:

  • Total number of correct responses given for the target words
  • Total number of incorrect responses given for the target words
  • Total number of correct responses (includes both target and foil words)
  • Total number of incorrect responses (includes both target and foil words)
  • Median and fastest reaction time (for the correct trials)


This test has been validated in a general adult sample, older adults with and without MCI, and adults with serious mental illness. Additional details on the creation of this task and word selection can be found here.

Published Studies:

Feasibility and validity of ecological momentary cognitive testing among older adults with mild cognitive impairment

Authors: Raeanne C. Moore, Robert A. Ackerman, Madisen T. Russell, Laura M. Campbell, Colin A. Depp, Philip D. Harvey and Amy E. Pinkham

Year Published: 2022
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Remote Ecological Momentary Testing of Learning and Memory in Adults With Serious Mental Illness

Authors: Emma M Parrish, Snigdha Kamarsu, Philip D Harvey, Amy Pinkham, Colin A Depp, Raeanne C Moore

Year Published: 2021
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Validation of the mobile verbal learning test: Illustration of its use for age and disease-related cognitive deficits

Authors: Raeanne C Moore, Emily W Paolillo, Erin E Sundermann, Laura M Campbell, Jeremy Delgadillo, Anne Heaton, Joel Swendsen, Colin A Depp

Year Published: 2021
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